
Complete Chart Reading via Vedic Astrology Consultation


Complete Chart Reading astrology consultation will & can give thorough answers to the questions with respect to time span covered view around 2 years to 4 years linked with past present and future.

In this consultation, you can ask questions about part of your life. For, e.g. you can ask about career or marriage or health, etc., related queries, but the maximum duration will be 50 minutes for this type of consultation.



Complete Chart Reading via Vedic astrology consultation will & can give thorough answers to the questions with respect to time span covered view around 2 years to 4 years linked with past present and future.

We are offering an Complete Chart Reading via Vedic intensive astrology  consultation where she will answer your question based on your individual birth chart. An intensive consultation provides you with thorough information covering the next 3yrs-5yrs with predictions, recommendations, forecast, RED BOOK tasks solutions remedies precautions & chanting.

This consultation provides a very thorough answer to your questions but be mindful that the time span covers only next 2yrs-4yrs. This Consultation is Suitable for LIFE EVENTS.

Everyone is curious to know about their future, it is fun and exciting.  It encourages our hope to continue to believe in our dreams, gives us a solid foundation to understand our human purpose, and shows a way out of our shortcomings & sorrows, if not at least it gives us the courage to fight our own battles and strengthen our will.


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