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Know About Nakshatra According to Astrology

In Vedic astrology, nakshatras are having
a very crucial role.....

Intro to Nakshatras

You can also read about nakshatras in Vedas just like any other Zodiac sign. So let’s go through all the nakshatra names and how a person can be affected by nakshatra in every sphere of their life. There are 27 Nakshatra's present in total.

What Does Nakshatra Mean?

The term nakshatra is being used by Vedic astrology for defining the lunar mansion where the moon is there for one day in every House of nakshatras. All the nakshatras and astrological signs are being ruled by the sun and moon because they are Known to be the Lords of these signs. The nakshatras mainly control the planetary positions and they are also responsible for predicting the future of a person.

Importance Of Nakshatras ?

Nakshatra’s positioning plays a very crucial role in influencing a person’s thought process, and six senses and helps in calculating a person’s natal chart. For knowing the details and exact predictions many times the placement of nakshatra in a person’s chart is very important. Each and every next nakshatra is having their own God and Goddess which is mainly based upon 28 asterisms. Every nakshatra is powerful in its own way and they are mainly governed by 9 planets as Lords in the order; South lunar mode, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, North lunar node, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury. The same order gets repeated for three times for covering all the nakshatras.

And that's not all...

How Nakshatras Are Differentiated From Zodiac Signs ??

The division of the sky into two 12 parts where each of the parts is given the name of the Zodiac signs, but when they are divided into 28 parts they are known as nakshatra. Just like any other round circular body, our sky is around 360 degrees. When we divide 360 degrees by twelve, we get a 30-degree where a Zodiac sign is formed. Again when you divide 360 degrees by 27, 13.33 degrees are formed which is known as nakshatra. Hence, it is clear that there are 28 nakshatras and 12 Zodiac signs. We all know the names of the 12 Zodiac signs which are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. The nakshatras are holding larger parts and Zodiac signs are having smaller parts and they are fitting under Zodiac signs.


Let's go through all the names of the nakshatras given below:

1. Ashwini Nakshatra

They are known to be the first Nakshatra in the constellation who are having symbols of twins-headed horses. The natives are very strong and powerful and are quite brave in their character and bestowed with vitality and strength.

3. Krittika Nakshatra

They are mainly visible during the night time forming clusters of six stars. Krittika mainly resides in the zodiac signs of Aries and Taurus. This Nakshatra is the source of energy and power because Fire and Agni are its governing deity

2. Bharani Nakshatra

This Nakshatra is in the second position and they are having attributes of females like loving and caring where the qualities of Venus are manifested. They also hold the power of being extremely adaptable and can take strong measures whenever needed.

4. Rohini Nakshatra

This Nakshatra is highly influenced by the position ruled by Prajapati Brahma showing general attributes like growth development.

5. Mrigashira Nakshatra

They are also called lunar mansions and being tiny constellations of stars they still have a prominent position in Vedic astrology.

6. Ardra Nakshatra

This Nakshatra mainly symbolizes destruction and transformation and it basically means to get fruitful results with hard work.

7. Punarvasu Nakshatra

The natives associated with this Nakshatra are only concerned about loving and caring for others and maintaining peace and harmony because they are known to be the protector. They are optimistic persons who are having a very positive approach towards everything and will rarely find negativity in them.

8. Pushya Nakshatra

Being in the 8th position of the zodiac belt the word pushti in Sanskrit means healer or nourisher which actually expresses the meaning of this star. The natives who are having the influence of this Nakshatra are highly energetic and Powerful.

9. Ashlesha Nakshatra

They are real-life anti-heroes who are having who are suspicious and cheesy kind of people. They are quite curious and wise in nature under the influence of Mercury.

10. Magha Nakshatra

In Sanskrit, the word Magha mean very large or grand. This Nakshatra is mainly governed by Ketu and Is Correspondent to the star Regulus.

11. Purva Phalguni Nakshatra

They are known to be the Twin nakshatras named Uttara Falguni and Purva Falguni who are ruled by two Adityas, Aramya, and Bhagya.

12. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra

It is holding the 12th position out of the 28 nakshatras and it is having a very special Placement in the vedic astrology and is also called lunar mansions.

13. Hasta Nakshatra

This Nakshatra has attained the best from both the world like Arena from the sun and is mainly governed by the moon and derives energy and power from the two of them.

14. Chitra Nakshatra

The natives of this birth star are very creative people who love working very hard with all their hearts and doing things with passion and dedication. They are also called solitary stars.

15. Swati Nakshatra

This Nakshatra has attained the best from both the world like Arena from the sun and is mainly governed by the moon and derives energy and power from the two of them.

16. Vishakha Nakshatra

This is being ruled by Lord Vishnu and they are in the 22nd position out of 28 nakshatras. This nakshatra is having great qualities of adaptability and a very progressive outlook toward life.

17. Anuradha Nakshatra

This nakshatra balances the heavens with harmony and honor. This nakshatra is being ruled by the Lord of rings.

18. Jyeshtha Nakshatra

Jyeshtha is being ruled by Indra and is totally different from its overall qualities of accomplishments, materialistic wealth, and magnificence.

19. Moola Nakshatra

Nakshatras are mostly used for predicting the future and this one is in a very tiny constellation of stars though they have acquired a very prominent position. In the West, it is also called by the name lunar mansions.

20. Purvashadha Nakshatra

This is the 20th number of Nakshatra out of all 28. In the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius, there are all the four padas of this star, so the natives are very much outgoing and energetic in nature. They are mainly ruled by Venus.

21. Uttarasadha Nakshatra

When a person is having this as their birth star, they will have a very positive and optimistic approach towards their life and would be very noble in their character.

22. Shravana Nakshatra

There are many names of this nakshatra and is the 22nd position out of the total list of 28 nakshatras. They are and in the Makar Rashi and their ruling Lord is Vishnu.

23. Dhanishtha Nakshatra

Blessed with the influence of Mars, the natives are highly knowledgeable and intelligent. They are highly adaptable in their character and acquired the 23rd position in the constellation.

24. Shatbhisha Nakshatra

This nakshatra is governed by the Lord of rings. Shatabisha is also influenced by the Rahu’s lunar node. Other than its healing properties it is also having spirituality and secretive vision as its primary characteristic.

25. Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

Acquiring 25th position in the constellation and it stays both in Aquarius and species Zodiac signs. Jupiter is the governing Lord of this nakshatra. The natives are blessed with wisdom, good behavior, and optimism and are having a very positive attitude in their life.

26. Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra

This is known to be in the position of 26 out of all nakshatras. The word Uttara Bhadrapada means “the latter blessed one” which also indicates wisdom, wealth, and happiness.

27. Revati Nakshatra

This nakshatra helps in nourishing and makes the native's life prosperous and good fortune. This nakshatra gives a very good start in wedding, giving birth to a child, or buying any new clothes. Fish represents this nakshatra which depicts movement and learning.

Why It's Necessary To Know About Nakshatra Astrology?

The planetary position has great importance in a person's life and one must acquire knowledge about all this throughout their life if they have a strong belief in astrology. It is highly recommended to know all the names of nakshatras when a person is born until his death which plays a very vital role in every sphere of a person's life.

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